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Tuesday, October 25, 2016;
very long nv come and write liao... so let me jus write abit of wat had happen... my last blog is about am abt to go taiwan with my family and my boy... now i can proudly announce that i am goin to get marry to my beloved boy... Isaac Quek.... although he wont sweet talk... bt he gt his way to show u hw much he love u... although his temper not very good... bt he will try to control himself... and wen i m upset of him,,, becux the way he talk to me sometime... he will listen to you and will try to make u happy... he wont give u surprise as he don't use to do it... bt that is 1 time he really gif me a surprise... which i really very gan dong... as i ask him to buy me a bear wif a stick of flower for valentine... he did buy... n he also surprise me with the line character valentine day bear... which he went to queue at mac... which he noe i want... n i had went to take my wedding photo shoot already... now is waiting for the final stage... which is the actual day in abt 2mth time... 

{{ Tuesday, October 25, 2016 -
The forever memories we have.

Thursday, August 28, 2014;
so not never blog liao... i have start working for a few year liao... wen to small n big company for those few year... n during last year i have finally found my MR Right... soon it will be our 1yr liao... times reallii fly... i nv choose the wrong... ii m verii happy to be happii... he noe hw to gif in to me alot... n after i leave my previously company at MBFC...  i hv found a job near my place... bt it abit sian not lyk my previously job... everydae gt alot of thing to do... here abit slack... bt i will be on my own doin all the account thing frm 08/09/14 as the account staff is leaving the compant n they not hire a new staff yet... as they still tinking sld ask jie jie de frenx come bck ant... bt work near also an advantage no nid wake up early... go wrk transport not so expensive... n i onlii need to pay for 1 way transport... as my beloved boy s fetch me back after wrk... as his company is near to my workplace also... bt i have to wait until he finish work... so i will slack in the office to surf net all this jus to make the time pass faster for abt 1hr n less... n finally i m goin to taiwan on nov... wif my family n my boy... hope the weather wont be so cold... shall end here dun noe wat to write liao...

{{ Thursday, August 28, 2014 -
The forever memories we have.

Saturday, May 14, 2011;
todae iis the 14 may... ii would like to wish BEN DAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Although eu dun hv my bl0g n eu also cnt get t0 c iit... bt ii stiil wan to wish eu... n ii cnt rmb hw manii yrs bck the first time i saw eu... n ii was stiil verii young n dun even noe eu... n diin even talk to eu... onlii accompany Ling g0 d0wn buy diinner... after a few yrs later then we chat 0n the ph0ne all tiis... n get to noe each other... actually ii dun tiink noe ii cn be so close to eu... bt end up ii m cl0ser to eu more than Ling... n eu cn call miie every single dae w/o fail... bt overall tiis iis all the past tense alreadii... bt ii dun tiink after eu arx back we wiil stiil be the same... as in eu will cal miie every dae w/0 fail... becux ii n0 l0nger slping in a rm 0f my 0wn... been slping early on sun till thur... fri n sat mostly g0 out wiif frenx untiil verii late...so hardly wiil be piickiing up call... bt we cn stiil msg... bt ii dun tiink after eu arx bck eu stiil cn rmb my number... ii m waiting for eu to be bck... as ii gt al0t 0f thiing t0 tel eu... =P

9 more dae to my big dae... bt ii wiil be hving my bdae celebration on 21 may... nwadae mostly every fri n sat g0 0ut wiif frenx t0 chiill all tiis... ii lyk iit to be tiis way... iit iis a s0 called nite life to miie... chit chat wif frenx iis actually verii happii thiing... um... dun n0e wat t0 bl0g lehx... s0 jux st0p here...  

{{ Saturday, May 14, 2011 -
The forever memories we have.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011;
my acc0untant iis making m0st 0f us piiss 0ff... due t0 recently she reallii tiink she iis the lady b0ss lyk tat... firstly f0r t0dae... siince m0rniing she had send miie the email saiid she nt g0iin f0r lunch... then ii ask her wan acc0mpany miie g0 canteen ltr... then she saiid dun wan... as she iis verii tiired... she 1 take a nap c0z ytd she went t0 swiimming... then after tat tuas ppl cal her... ask tat she put d0wn the ph0ne she c0me n ask miie if i cn finish the transport billing by 12pm... 1 thiing iis tat ii n0t 0nlii d0iin transport billing... ii stiil niid t0 help my b0ss prepare quotation and als0 ans t0 ph0ne cal... then ii recevied the email frm tuas sayiing tat latest by 2pm niid t0 send her transport billing... then after awhile the acc0untant c0me agaiin... ask cn fiiniish the transport biiliing at 12pm... ii t0ld her that ii hv recevie the email frm tuas saying lastest 2pm then niid t0 submit the transport billing... bt she saiid bt ii niid eu t0 giif iit t0 miie by 12pm... as ii niid t0 check n send iit t0 her ltr aftern00n cux b0ss iis briing iit d0wn... she tiink ii wat arx... d0 thiing cn d0 s0 fast w/0 any mistake arx... then chat wiif my 0ther c0lleague at skype... then she t0ld miie tat she als0 rush her f0r s0me d0cument... then ii tel her tat ii nw rushing the transport billing f0r the acc0untant als0... then she t0ld miie that the acc0untant t0ld her tat the transp0rt billing is she d0 de... wth... hw l0ng hv she nt been d0iin transp0rt billing alreadii... previiously wen ii c0me iis she d0 f0r fiilled cylinder n ii d0 empty cylinder... then after tat b0ss ask miie t0 d0 the filled and empty wan... and ii jux d0 n0t... and wat she supp0se t0 d0... iis calculate the amt and billing t0 tuas... n nw she t0ld my c0lleague that she iis d0iin iit... n saiid wat becux ii gt nth t0 d0... that y wan miie t0 handle the PO and quotation... iis she hving STM or wat... iit been verii l0ng she iis nt d0iin the transport thiing... and nw tat t0 saiid she iis d0iin tat n ii gt nth t0 d0... pls tiink abt all the thiing b4 eu saiid... she hv t0 c hw l0ng eu diin d0 transp0rt billing liia0... n everytiime iis ii d0 liia0... ii tel eu then eu calculate the amt correct ant n send t0 tuas... and m0st 0f the tiime eu t0ld miie iis 1 cents diiff... n nw eu change ur w0rd... wth...

{{ Tuesday, May 03, 2011 -
The forever memories we have.

Monday, April 25, 2011;
verii l0ng nv bl0g lehx... recently hv miit up wiif s0me 0f my bestie... bt alwae nt every0ne iis there... =( tiis m0rniing talk t0 my c0lleague about s0mething n she t0ld miie 1 thiing that the acc0untant talk t0 her 0n last thur... she t0ld miie tat the acc0untant tel her tat is it p0ssible that jux 1 0f pers0n handle quotation and purhases 0rder... n 1 thiing iis there... ii 0nlii n0e the quotation f0r my side de hw t0 d0... n f0r purchases 0rder ii dun even n0e hw t0 d0... n she t0ld tat c0lleague is it p0ssible t0 ask me t0 handle all tat thiing... s0 tat c0lleague cn c0ncentrate 0n her thiing... n als0 tat acc0untant t0ld tat c0lleague tat lyk tat iif she niid thiing she n0 niid t0 ask the 2 0f us... fiind 1 pers0n jiiu 0k lehx... she 1 t0 make herself frm all tiis tr0uble t0 g0 here n g0 there.... bt d0es she tiink abt iit... tat if she let 1 0f us c0ncentrate 0n her 0wn w0rk w/0 d0iin tat an0ther pers0n wiil hv al0t 0f w0rk l0ad... n we use t0 d0 be lyk tat... y she wan t0 tiink tat she iis verii biig iin the c0mpany wan change tiis n change tat... she iis nt the b0ss 0r wh0 even... she iis jux a acc0untant... she cnt make any decision als0... n she w0rk l0ng at her n she tiink she is a big sh0t nw... act liia0 a lady b0ss... n change a few thiing alreadii... nw 1 t0 change s0me the w0rk f0r us... she expect we 1 pers0n handle all the thiing... jux t0 save her frm all the tr0ubles0me thiing... at fiirst my w0rkl0ad nt s0 manii de... then after tat my b0ss ask my tat c0lleague t0 let miie handle the qotation f0r my siide de... then after tat handling 0f salary lyk write cheque and pack salary according... then hv t0 help the acc0untant wif 1 0f her d0cument als0... then nw stiil niid t0 kiip track 0f 2 PM de c0missi0n... ii alreadii busy lyk hell... nw she wan change everythiing n ask miie t0 handle the quotation n purchases order... hw cn ii handle it... n iif my c0lleague teach miie everythiing liia0... n end 0f tiis yr ii als0 leaving lehx... wat the p0iint... bt tat c0lleague ask tat acc0untant t0 talk t0 b0ss herself if she want change everythiing... cux she n0e we 0nlii wiil listen t0 b0ss when there iis any change... iif she wan she cn jux talk t0 b0ss... iif b0ss ask miie f0r feedback ii wiil tel hiim everythiing... n b0ss als0 n0e tat ii hv al0t 0f w0rk t0 d0 lehx... cus at fiirst b0ss ask miie t0 help acc0untant s0me 0f the b0ss n tgt ii cn learn... then after tat b0ss tel her tat he wiil hire a new staff t0 help her... cux he saiid ii gt t0 manii w0rk t0 d0 liia0... n tiis iis wat eu tel miie wat b0ss saiid... n nw eu wan increase my w0rkl0ad agaiin... wat iis tiis... eu arx jux an acc0untant n n0thing else... y eu wan change all the thiing in the c0mpany... s0me eu change iis iin a gd way ii dun miind... bt nw eu t0t 0f changing iit t0 an0ther way... that is nt a gd change at all... s0 dr0p all ur tiis idea...

{{ Monday, April 25, 2011 -
The forever memories we have.

Saturday, March 12, 2011;
hiie m0rniing every0ne... ii m here t0 bl0g agaiin... duriing my w0rk hrs... kiindly lazy t0 bl0g nwaday... hahax... was t0tally verii tiired t0dae... due t0 ytd miit up wif baihui they all at wlm... we reach there at abt 8plus and we chiill at there untiil 2am n stella driive us bck hm... then we talk abt al0t 0f thiing... then stella saiid iif ii wan ii cn g0 bck mac t0 w0rk... then we saiid iif eu g0 bck mac n w0rk n eu arx the RM we c0nfiirm g0 bck help eu run mds f0r part-time... seriiously reallii miiz the fun we hv last tiime... after stella diin w0rk at mac the fun iis t0tally g0ne... maybe nxt wk frii als0 wiil miit them... maybe g0iin t0 fiind ah ma d0reen... stiil tiink wan g0 t0 taiwan wiif baihui they all ant at sept... ii feel lyk g0iin bt ii dun hv enff m0ney al0t... cux ii haven save up enff m0ney f0r my study de... haiix... zaii c hw bahx...

{{ Saturday, March 12, 2011 -
The forever memories we have.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011;
s0 l0ng diin bl0g liia0... n up t0dae wan bl0g abt thiing tat iis nt gd... cux 0f s0me0ne hv sp0ilt my m00d... iis lyk ii nv been 0ut 0f 0ffice siince the half 0f the dae... n ii c0me bck ii hv t0 help eu settle thiing... iis lyk eu n0e we gt a file f0r payr0ll then iinsiide c0nfiirm gt ppl de acc0unt number iinsiide... eu cnt g0 n take the file n check it urself b4 c0me n ask ppl... iis lyk eu arx the 0nlii 0ne wh0 iis busy lyk tat... n iis lyk eu stiil dare saiid tat tiime ii tel eu eu cnt take file... pls eu arx the acc0untant... n eu n0e every1 salary... then the fiile iis all abt theiir salary... eu 0f cux cn take la... ii tat tiime tel eu iis tat... eu cnt briing 0ut the file frm b0ss s0n 0ffice... end up eu saiid ii saiid eu cnt t0uch the file... wat the hell iis tiis... n iit iis nt the fiirst tiime eu kiip change ur w0rds all tiis l0r... n pls rmb wat we tel eu... dun kiip saiid eu f0rget 0r wat... iit iis verii de iirratiing tat we hv t0 repeat the same thiing t0 eu 0ver and 0ver agaiin... we als0 dun hv the tiime kiip remiinding eu...

{{ Tuesday, February 22, 2011 -
The forever memories we have.

Monday, January 17, 2011;
quiite tiired tiis wk... maybe iis nt enff rest bahx... frii take premiissii0n frm b0ss t0 g0 bck early at 4pm... then b0ss grant my premiissii0n... then at 4pm ii leave at 4pm then g0 fiind sylest whiile waiitiing f0r fl0rence t0 be d0ne... then after tat miit fl0rence at adm mrt platf0rm... then b0th 0ur tiimiing iis jux niice... whiile the traiin ii take abt t0 reach florence hv reach the platf0rm als0... hahax... then after tat we take traiin t0 yck... then shi yun take the traiin frm there... then we traiin d0wn t0 bugis... we hv diinner at ljs fiirst... then we process t0 0ur cny sh0ppiing... sh0p untiil abt 9 lyk tat we take traiin bck... reach hm at 10.30... then wash all tiis n went t0 slp... as f0r sat miie ryan n r0bert... then we g0 d0wn suntec hv lunch at 0ld t0wn... then after tat g0 f0r LFI seminar... then after tat slack at suntec kou fu untiil 7pm... then walk t0 rccc t0 fiind lilian... waiit f0r her fiiniish w0rk liia0 then hv diinner then g0 bck hm... then wash up n went t0 slp... sun wh0le dae rest at hm...

{{ Monday, January 17, 2011 -
The forever memories we have.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011;
it been a long tiime siince ii last bl0g... as ii dun n0e wat t0 bl0g... n ii dun n0e wat had happen t0 my dear c0usin JUSTINA HO LING LING... she diin even c0ntact miie f0r mth... n i diid n0e tat they arx m0viing hus... bt she diin tel miie anythiing at all... kindly w0rry abt her... n ii was tiinkiing iis tiis the end 0f c0usiinshiip... haiix... dun wiish t0 talk abt it liia0... tiis ii part ii wiil wriite t0 my frenx sishi... bt she dun hv my bl0g... hahax... jux dun tiired urself up by the pr0miise eu make t0 tat pers0n... eu niid rest als0... eu cnt everydae w0rk n0n-st0p... n dun tiink tat eu arx the 3rd party... as ii n tat pers0n wiil nt be bck... we hv alreadii name 0urselve as ben dan n sha gua... n we rather stay as tiis than be tgt... s0 pls dun saiid eu arx the 3rd party anym0re... n t0 my dear sylest gd luck f0r fiirst dae 0f j0b tml... n lastly t0 my dear fl0rence dun stress urself up becux 0f study... eu cn ask miie iif eu dun n0e anythiing ii wiil try my best t0 help eu... ii wiil st0p all my msg t0 them... else ltr they t0t wat had happen... bt ii jux wan t0 saiid wat ii wan... hahax... nw iis 2011 tat mean we arx g0iin 21 yr 0ld lehx... ii hv g0 t0 2 0f my frenx 21 bdae party alreadii stiil gt m0re c0miing 0ut... bt iit iis gd t0 hv party als0... cn get bck t0 th0se we hv nt been c0ntact verii l0ng... n hv fun tgt... ii jux wen t0 a bdae party 0n last sun... n we diin play mahj0ng... n ii wiish $5... hahax... s0 happii... n ii g0iin t0 sh0p f0r cny cl0thes liia0... cny iis c0miing... iit iis less than 1mth frm nw... n ii dun hv much tiime t0 g0 f0r sh0ppiing... as ii m w0rkiing 8 -5 frm m0n t0 frii... s0 iit n0 l0nger lyk sch00liing... after sch stiil cn g0 sh0ppiing all tiis...

{{ Tuesday, January 11, 2011 -
The forever memories we have.

Monday, December 13, 2010;
ii m here t0 bl0g agaiin... hv been quiite busy f0r tiis few wk... n als0 my j0b hv bec0me m0re n m0re... bt h0pefully my pay wiil iincrease m0re earliier n iincrease m0re then ii expected bahx... hahax... sry ii tiink abiit t00 much bahx... my baby AJ had cut botak... due t0 her hair 打解... then everytiime her leg wiil stuck at there... bt h0pefully lyk wat my siis saiid after 3mth her haiir wiil gr0w niicer bahx... hahax... then sat after w0rk g0 bck hm n rest after tat g0 adm place waiit f0r my m0ther then we pack KFC bck hm n eat... then after tat wen t0 take nap untiil 5 wake up n watch tv... then 11plus then slp... then ytd wake up at 11plus... then nth t0 d0 s0 watch tv the wh0le dae l0r... bt after diinner diid wen t0 CWP f0r a whiile t0 buy bag... as my bag hv sp0iilt liia0... then g0 t0 the pet statii0n... eu n0e wat... ii saw a ABC guy ard 0ur age de w0rk at there... n he iis s0 hands0me... hahax... then after g0 bck hm n watch tv agaiin... then jux nw lunch tiime wen t0 b0tak j0nes n eat wiif ming hui, sim n sheila... hahax... as siim t0dae gt driive... s0 we went 0ut n eat...

{{ Monday, December 13, 2010 -
The forever memories we have.



☆The Words

and i keep asking myself WHY.

you used to make me smile ;
make me laugh ;
make me feel loved.
hold me tight ;
kiss me sweetly ;
care for me deeply.
you made me remembered you
ever so clearly
...even now that you are gone.

☆The Girl

COLORs iin muii lyfe (:

FRUITS ii ate alwaes

FOOD ii ate MOST ; Q.Q
Mummy C00iing, LOLs.

PLACE ; bbeatt miie att (:
H0me SweEt H0me



MaKeUp SeT
Mr RiGhT


☆The Melody

Music Playlist at MixPod.com